family in pool

HydroCare Pools & Spas

Our Mission is to provide quality products and services to a specialized clientele in a low pressure family environment. We will only accept as much business as we can comfortably manage while keeping our core values of quality and personalized service.

Hydrocare is more adapt than our competitors at the many technological advances in the pool and spa industry. This is due to Jonathon DeMichiels 30 plus years of experience. While advanced technology's are wonderful, more importantly, they must match the consumer's needs. Once you take the time to understand the technology you are better suited to make recommendations.

Pool Liner Repair in Litchfield CT

torn-pool-liner-in-torrington-ctRipped or Torn Vinyl Liners in your Litchfield CT pool.

Small tears, 1-2 inches in length can be easily patched with a vinyl liner patch kit.  Contact HydroCare for a quote on your liner repair.

Large tears, those of several inches to several feet, can also be patched using larger pieces of vinyl, but the long term success of the patch may be doubtful. Many people would also rather not have a patchwork quilt for a pool liner, and may prefer to replace, when budget allows. pool-liner-patch-kit

Patches tend to have the best success when they are small, and not in a corner, or too close to the bead, or any of the "cuts" to the vinyl – steps, returns, skimmers, lights. Vinyl repairs on the wall are usually successful, if the vinyl is not overly stretched and stressed in that area. If it's high on the wall, patch it dry, low wall or floor patches are usually patched wet, or underwater.

If the vinyl liner is very old, rips and tears will occur, seemingly on their own. Vinyl liners of a certain age, they become hard and brittle, and can easily 'snap', or tear horizontally, near the waterline, as shown in the top image.

There is likely no real need to replace the liner for just a small tear, or even a large one – but if the overall condition of the liner is leading to tears and rips, there will soon be many more, and at some point, it's time to plan for a pool liner replacement.

Leaking Pool Liners

Sometimes you can have a leak in a vinyl pool, which continues to leak after plugging the lines, so you know it's in the vinyl – but where?

Finding a hole in a vinyl liner can be a little like looking for a needle in a haystack. If the water stabilizes at one particular level, look for a small patch of debris stuck onto the vinyl, which has been sucked into the hole.

The best method to find a pool leak may be (If the water is warm enough), to use a diver's mask and snorkel to search the entire pool closely. You can use colored dye in a small bottle to dye test suspect areas, which should include the cutout areas around the steps, returns, skimmers and lights.

Most leaking pool liners are fixed, without need to replace. In cases where there are dozens of leaks, from ice or animal damage, or from kids using the pool pole to pole vault into the pool – you may need to buy a new pool liner.

Give us a call if you need an expert's eye and tool bag - 860-618-2310

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